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Entry and Exit Tasks Using Google Forms

Science Educator

Google Forms can help you create an easy-to-implement routine for the start and end of your class period. (If your school uses Microsoft Forms or other programs, you can create similar forms.)

When implementing these routines be sure to provide explicit directions, modeling, opportunities for practice, and positive reinforcement. A post about positive reinforcement will be coming soon.

Teacher Notes:

  • Create a google form for your Entry Task and Exit Task. You can grab a copy of each right here: Entry Task and Exit Task

  • The forms are easily edited to match your daily schedule.

  • Post a link to each form in a prominent place on your learning management system.

  • Select Responses and then Create A Spreadsheet. At the start and end of class, you can have the spreadsheets open and watch the student's answers come in. This provides you with an immediate check of each student's understanding.

  • The very first time you create a spreadsheet you will select Create a new spreadsheet.

  • At the start of each week, you can delete the responses from the form. By clicking on the three dots, next to the spreadsheet logo, you will get a dropdown list. Select Delete all responses. (Note your responses are still saved to your spreadsheet.)

  • The next step is to get the answers for the new week, linked to last week's spreadsheet so that all of the student's responses are in one place. To do this, select the three dots again, and now choose "Select response destination".

  • From the dialog box that opens, choose "Select existing spreadsheet"

  • Choose your Entry Tasks Spreadsheet

  • You will notice that a new tab has been created and you can rename the tabs with the dates for the week or any naming system you prefer.

  • You can repeat this process each week for both your Entry and Exit Task forms. Your students will only ever see the same link and the same form. You will be able to track and record all of their answers.

  • You will need to display the entry tasks and exit tasks each day for the students to see the question they need to answer.

Student View of Entry Task:



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